irstaxlitigation Blog

Less Audits? Not Necessarily A Good Thing

IRS budget cuts may not appear entirely bad. With a reduced budget comes a reduction in the manpower and resources necessary for the IRS to conduct audits. Less audits means less need for taxpayers to concern themselves with the possibility of retaining records for years or, to some, the need to be entirely truthful on […]

Less Audits? Not Necessarily A Good Thing

IRS budget cuts may not appear entirely bad. With a reduced budget comes a reduction in the manpower and resources necessary for the IRS to conduct audits. Less audits means less need for taxpayers to concern themselves with the possibility of retaining records for years or, to some, the need to be entirely truthful on […]

A Cautionary Tale About Tax Preparation

How much research do you do before hiring someone to prepare your taxes? When you hand over your personal information, are you assured that your accountant is keeping your information secure, while also putting together a tax return that will pass IRS standards?  The IRS provides a number of resources to assist taxpayers in hiring […]

The IRS May Have a Say in Your Passport Status

H.R. 22, otherwise known as the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015, is an interesting piece of legislation for reasons beyond the fact that it is one of few bills that has managed to pass in both the Senate and House of Representatives. The act deals with much more than whatever “surface transportation” […]

Missing IRS Notices? You’re Not the Only One

In some situations, no news is not always good news. As the Treasury Inspector General of Tax Administration (TIGTA) reported, sometimes no news just means that computer systems aren’t always performing properly. The TIGTA report, dated June 18, 2015, focuses on the notification procedure used by the Internal Revenue Service to alert taxpayers of assessed […]