Uber: Driving the Discussion on Worker Reclassification
Remember a world without the accessibility and ease of Uber? Founded in 2009, Uber has brought the convenience of ridesharing to consumers in cities around the world. At the same time, Uber has grown into a giant thorn in the side of two very distinct entities: your local taxi company, and the tax system that […]
The Intersection of FIFA and FBAR
As far as Americans and sports are concerned, it is a safe bet that most people associate the word “football” with the National Football League, or NFL. However, the recent debacle surrounding the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, or FIFA, has brought the “other” game of football (better known in the U.S. as the sport […]
Taxing Marijuana: How one obscure law can cost business owners thousands
As of today, 23 states have legalized marijuana in some form. Some, like Oregon and Colorado, permit recreational use of the drug; others, like Maryland and Delaware, have only legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. While the possession limits vary from state to state, there is one sticking point that exists across the span of states […]
Comptroller of the Treasury v. Wynne: Are you eligible for a refund?
Over the past few weeks refunds have been appearing in the mail, signaling that yet another tax season has come full circle. However, due to a recent Supreme Court ruling, Maryland taxpayers may be eligible for yet another refund. To understand the Court’s ruling, it is important to know that Maryland’s personal income tax structure […]
Getting to Know FATCA
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, better known as FATCA, has been around since 2010. It has been hailed as one of the Treasury Department’s greatest successes and, despite being a global undertaking, you still may never have heard of it. The full force of FATCA went into effect on July 1, 2014. Starting […]
IRS Budget Cuts: Do they cost more than they’re worth?
The Internal Revenue Service is hitting a bit of a low point. But, if you’re the average American, you may be finding it difficult to summons the ability to feel sympathy for the agency. According to the Pew Research Center, the IRS ranked last out of 13 government agencies in a study gauging public opinion […]